Majestic Forge

Majestic Forge

Clonazepam 1Mg For Sale The Majestic Forge is the largest of the Forge types with a 20×40 plot size, which means that they will only be found within the walls of a citadel. The Majestic Forge rivals the sun, easily purifying and shaping the mightiest of weapons and armor. Continue Reading
Majestic Weapon Shop

Majestic Weapon Shop

Clonazepam For Depression The Majestic Weapon Shop is the largest Weapon Shop with a 20×40 plot size, which means that they will only be found within the walls of a citadel. The Five Great Rulers come here to equip their imperial guard. Nothing more needs to be said. Building Size: 20×40 Structure Rarity: Legendary Quantity: 5 Price: 1,100,000 […]

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Large Weapon Shop

Large Weapon Shop This 10×20 Large Weapon Shop is the third largest that you’ll find in Mirandus. You can find an assortment of great weapons here. Building Size: 10×20 Structure Rarity: Epic Quantity: 20 Price: 6.49 Continue Reading