Dwarf Exemplar: The Glimmering Clan

Dwarf Exemplar: The Glimmering Clan

Dwarf Exemplars

The Glimmering Clan’s members are known to have developed excellent skills in finding “treasure in the trash,” as well as riches in the rubble. It has been suggested that some of the most valuable objects discovered during dwarven mining operations have gone unnoticed and been carelessly discarded. Members of the Glimmering Clan, who are constantly working to make extra money to cover their costs, are often seen searching the various dumps and scrap heaps that populate Mirandus for valuable items. The Glimmering Clan has a reputation of being very good hagglers, with members always trying to buy things cheaply and sell them for more expensive prices.

These mining professionals, like those who search for gold or silver in streams, seem to be guided by something deeper than a desire for money. They rummage through mounds of mining debris, regardless of the size of the “waste” pile.

When the Glimmering Clan appears on a busy mining site, the leaders of the operation are frequently frustrated since they find ore that had been overlooked. The Glimmering Clan is particularly useful to mining managers who wish to sift through their crew’s discards. These dwarves, as Exemplars, have a talent called Ascertain Ore that enhances mining output by a percentage.


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